High Peak Spirit and Life

Saturday, October 16, 2004 Print This Page.:


The Reconciliation with God in spirit.
Many Christians are only satisfied with the judicial Redemption, thinking that this is the final goal of the Eternal plan of God, and His will.
In the meantime if we read the Bible with much care, under the light of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of the Eternal Purpose, we will realize that all work that Jesus as the son of man did here in the Earth, has as objective, that we receive the Eternal life and that we in fact become children of God. John10:10. 1Peter 1:4. Even more, this life needs to grow. Therefore to serve Him, we need to be constantly reconciled with God. God also gave us the ministry of the reconciliation in order to lead others to a deep communion with.Him.
Most of people they are satisfied only with the judicial Redemption, but they do not know exactly why they were save. By means of redemption we received God, but why we received It? All that He wants is to save us of the lake of fire? Will this be sufficient for God and us? Certainly no, because that is not the eternal intention of God. We received Him, so that He can win us in a total and complete way. We need to consider seriously: at the moment of our, regeneration we have obtained God, but what has He obtained from us? We must always ask to ourselves: "Lord how much have you gained of me?, OH Lord am I allowing you to gain me? It may not be, that I am hindering you?.
We have a function: firstly to preach the gospel, this is the first reconciliation, and later to reconcile these ones, to a deep experience with God, so that they will serve Him. In this way all time, we will have His sweet presence.
Although the place where specifically we served to God is our soul, that is by means of our mind emotion and will. In the new testament by means of the death of Christ a new one and living way was opened, that place is the holy of all Hebrew 10:19,20, and the Holy of all, represents our spirit. A roman 8:6 commands not to put our mind in the flesh but in spirit, we do not have to place our mind in the outer court that represents our body. Allow me to clarify to those that read this for the first time this expression. The tabernacle was compose of three parts.
The outer court that symbolizes ours body.
The Holy place that symbolizes our soul.
The Holy of holies that symbolizes our spirit.
We do not have to place our mind in the outer court, in the body, the earthly things. If we do this the result will be death (V.6). More if the mind is placed in Holy of Holies, in our spirit, the result will be life and peace.(V6b) Where is the Holy of Holies? In our spirit. Where do you put your mind in outer court or in the Holy of Holies? We are looking for the well-being of flesh, or of the spirit? In order to really help people, we must be: ambassadors of Christ, to be those that represent Him, beseeching to all men that they reconcile intimately with God.
Today we have a great need: to enter in the Holy of Holies, we needed to have the mind saturated by the Spirit. This happens, when we are in the spirit having intimate communion face to face with God. Then we do not have to request, no a thing. Without a doubt there are moments when we must make requests, but that moment when we are face to face with God we must have a single objective: to have a time of deep communion , face to face with God.
The following example can help us a to understand better. A marriage has two children a boy and a girl, of different ages; the boy is naughty, anxious, prefers to be playing with his friends; meanwhile the girl is calm and quiet, preferring always to be next to the parents. The boy only remembers the parents when he needs some thing, meanwhile the girl likes to please the parents playing with them or making different things with them. Which one of these two attitudes would please more the parents? Certainly the one, of the girl.
Something similar occurs between us and God: He is satisfied when we are in His presence. This is the reason by which we must approach Him; do not stop to request some thing. But contemplate Him and to enjoy His presence. We are not those that approach God only to request some thing of him, before, we have to learn to say" Lord I do not want nothing for my, the only thing that I want is to see you ,enjoy you and love you. The only thing that satisfies me is your rich person.
Only to serve God in the holy place it is not sufficient. We needed to be Holy of Holies, face to face with Him. For this is necessary to exercise. We cannot be discouraged. When we begin this experience, to expend time face to face with Him, we do attempt to request something. Simply we should ignore that fact and say "Lord at this moment I do not want to ask you nothing, I only I want is to be in your presence, Lord free me of any other preoccupation.. This is the type of reconciliation that the Lord hopes. That the glory of God will shine on us, saturating us with the same one, that happened to Moses that went to the presence of God and the glory of God plenty His face. This is our more urgent need.
The best moment to have this class of communion is in the morning. This does not mean that we will not be able to have it in others moments, but by the morning we are free of activities or any other preoccupation. It is easier to turn to the spirit. We must take one or two verses from the Bible and to transform them into our prayer to the Lord. This way, in fact we will leave the sphere of the letter, and by the exercise of the spirit, we will touch the divine life that is hidden in those verses. This will feed us all the day spiritually. All the Christians who have practiced this way of praying the scriptures, they give testimony of the great benefit that they receive.
Everything that we do needs to be done in the spirit, that is to say, to have the presence of the Lord and to do everything in His presence. The reading of the Bible, the communion with other brothers, the participation of the meetings in the church and the prayers they need to have the presence of the Lord. In this present age the children of God need to live by the spirit. . In the different services of the church, in the meetings with the brothers, in the domestic activities, the work, the school, in all the things that we do, we needed to be in the spirit, reconciled with God. Today in the New Testament the glory of God do not vanishes as in the case of Moses, but 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. This unique glory, we found it when we are in the place Holy of Holies, our spirit.


Friday, October 15, 2004 Print This Page.:


The first two chapters of the organic salvation which we have seen in the previous chapters are: regeneration and salvation. These are the base of the transforming working of God in his children. In what consist, to live God?. It consists of three areas: social life, familiar life and the life of meetings of the Church. In truth these three areas form, the Church life, Many think that the Church life is about being together only with the bothers .Absolutely, no. As much the familiar life, the social life is part of the Church life, because in these three areas we always have the necessity of the presence of the Lord. Can we have always his presence?. That will be possible only if we were totally reconciled with Him in our spirit all the time. That must to be our yearning in everything that we do and we speak.
Regeneration and the reconciliation are bases of our spiritual growth; regeneration this related to the divine life and the reconciliation to the spirit; without life and spirit never we will reach the objective of God: to reach the maturity. We need to give value at the life of God in us and the fact that we can live and walk in the spirit, since these factors are in our gradual growth until maturity.
In this I chapter we will speak of the others aspects of the organic salvation. Is good to point out here, again, that the process of the organic salvation requires of our active participation, since we are people in charge of its development. Because it is organic it happens gradually step by step. We can compare it to the metabolism that happens in our body. Metabolism is the set of necessary internal reactions to the alive organism, for the formation, development and renovation of its cells, daily, our cells are form, they are developed and they replaced the old one. The organism needs power, from our ingested foods.
In the organic salvation a similar process happens. The word of God, come to us as spiritual food giving light and life, brings new elements to us, for the formation of the "cells" of new man and removes everything outside that belongs to the old man. It is necessary that we get rid of gradually of the characteristics of the old man, that we stay in newness of life, is necessary to us to live by the new man created according to God, in justice, and sanctity of truth (Ephesians 4:22) Being holy is totally related to that; just let us put off the old man and put on the new one. That becomes practical and real, when we lived and walked by the reality of the spirit.
With respect to the judicial redemption, it was Christ who justifies us; He himself became me our justice, in the organic salvation. Justification, we can say that is subjective, is the result of receiving the righteous life of Christ, it prompts, in us to practice righteous acts. Justice is opposed to sin. To have an unjust conduct it is to have a conduct in sin. Ephesians 1:13 say: "and you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him, with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit". This happened at the moment of our regeneration establishing therefore a spiritual principle: When we act in the spirit, our actions are in agreement with the justice of God and we are in this way, sealed by the Spirit that is to say, we received His approval. If we lived and we acted by the flesh. Will the Spirit sealed us and approved us? Absolutely, not. If we acted in the natural sphere of the soul will be able the Spirit to approve our attitude? Certainly not. When we do something in the spirit, more the Spirit confirmed, he approved and he sealed our action. Therefore, we must always stay in the spirit so that; spontaneously we are being approved for the Spirit.

Justice in the Bible is represented by the clothes. When Adam sin, he did for himself a clothes of leaves of fig tree to cover its nakedness this was his effort to justify himself. But its own justice did not last long time, then the leaves were dried and his nakedness again was exposed. Then God, in order to redeem it provided to him with clothes made of animal skins, probably with a lamb and it covered it. Those clothes prepared by God do represent Christ as the justice of man.
We, who before we were sinners, were chosen, save and redeemed by God, and by the regeneration we were made His children,. Then, we were transferred of atmosphere, leaving the empire of darkness’s for the kingdom of God. On the one hand, we are His destined children to be His heirs (Roman 8:17) and on the other hand we are being prepared like pure virgins to be newlywed to Christ (2 Corinthian 11:2).
For the marriage the necessity exists, that the bride to prepare herself. The history of Esther reveals important aspects on this fact. To be presented, displayed to King Ahasueros she would have to pass through a period of preparation of twelve months: six months with myrrh a condiment that symbolizes the death, and six months with aloe, that symbolizes the resurrection. After that preparation she was ready to be presented at the King. Psalms 45:13,14 present, in detailed figures this fact. These verses register the history of the daughter of the King in the interior of the royal palace with two clothes: one of brocade in gold and the other embroidered. The first clothes that are brocaded in gold represent Christ who is our justice, this clothes we received it at the moment of believing in Christ as our Lord and Savior, to receive this clothes did not demand any effort of us, it was Christ the only one who could do it, but exists another clothes which give us the right to enter in the presence of the King. These dresses embroidered demands our work, is done of needle to needle, and this demand our responsibility. Each embroidering is an attitude approved to us by the Spirit. This way, point by point, our dress of justice is made.
To embroider clothes require of suffering.
To be embroidered implies suffering. Without a doubt, all the men prefer a free life of sufferings. All flee from sufferings. We are like children who flee from vaccines by the simple one fact of being sunk by the needle; nevertheless, later, when understands that that is the way not to contract a disease, accepts the needle without fear.
In order to be in the presence of King Jesus in the day of His coming, we today must live in the spirit and all and be wiling to deny our soul, especially when we are under circumstances that we don’t agree with.(1 Peter1:6,7). This will free us to undergo the thousand years of discipline in the outer darkness. Today, we must embroider our clothes, to be approved and sealed by the Spirit in everything what we do
To deny the life soul life
Mathew 16:24-25. It is not enough to speak only about to deny the soul life, is necessary to practice. To deny the soul life means not to act according to our own thought and will, or according to our emotion or decision, this without doubt makes us suffer. But when see at our hope, the milenial kingdom of Christ that he has prepare for us, we will see that it is worth the trouble of denying ourselves today. If we are in the spirit, we will not feel the sufferings that happen to us; and we will accept, without saying anything, the needles in different situations.
Finally, when that dress is totally embroidering, we will enter with joy in the presence of Jesus, who is our King, to his chamber, together with our companions, (Psalms 45:14), the other over comers, the bride who is his body. Therefore, today we needed to conduct ourselves doing righteous acts. If we do not have the dress embroidering in that day, we will not be able to enter his presence. Mathew22 mentions to us of a place called the outer darkness, where there will be cry and gnashing of teeth. That place is prepared for all those that appear in front of our Lord Jesus without the nuptial clothes. This is very serious.
Each son of God must embroider his nuptial clothes with responsibility. We are already in the century twenty first, and millennium will arrived shortly, in this kingdom Christ will rein with his over comers. Are we ready to participate in this millennium? The true question in fact is this; Do we really want to participate?. If we want or not, that will be demonstrated for how much we have allowed our clothes being embroidered. The Lord, he has not come because he is patient towards us and hoping that we will finish the preparation of our clothes. Therefore, we need to use our time wisely to take effort in, embroidering our clothes putting attention and responsibility, so that we will not be shamed in the coming age, to be sent in the outer darkness
By the. Redemption of Christ we have been sanctified, being brought out of the world to a position of holiness. Now what we needed is the process of the sanctification that is the holy life of God being added within us.
The third group is formed by the renovation of our mind and transformation (Roman 12:2). Our mind needs to be renewed by the Spirit. All type of practices, tradition and religious concepts that have prevented our spiritual advance, must be turn down. Many have become attached to the Biblical revelations of the past and they do not accept the revelation that the Spirit has given us in these last days. This make their mind old ,hindering them to advance. No only in their mind more also in their emotion can have barriers. For example when we sing certain hymns we remained deeply affected, because the melody together with the words it touches our emotion. That emotion is often confused with the true spiritual benefit. For that reason, our emotion also needs to be renewed, that is to say, to be controlled by the Spirit. We have the custom to say that we loved the Lord, but to love Him requires it, that we pay a price, to deny ourselves and to allow His works in us. To remain passively waiting the coming of the Lord, it is not the attitude of one who truly loves Him. To maintain a diligent spirit and fervent attitude this is to demonstrate love for the Lord. If you say that you love Him do not be sitting around, and go to preach the gospel There is no time to lose, because the Lord wishes to return quickly
In 2 Corinthians 3:18 we read that we are being transformed of glory into glory to its own image. For that we needed to deny the soul life , is then that it happens the transformation and this it does not occur from night to morning, is step by step . A good example of that is the metamorphosis, thus a larva transforms itself into one pretty butterfly. After a time in which the single larva feeds itself, the moment arrives for locking in itself, in a cocoon that she herself tiles. It limits itself in the cocoon, by some time, and later she breaks it herself, arising a butterfly. This process is not immediate, but it is slow process of transformation. The larva in its initial state does not have beautiful aspect. Us at the beginning of our spiritual life no we have a beautiful aspect. We are ugly, even bringing the characteristics of old man. But little by little the Lord gives His life and He puts us in cocoon that is the Church life, or His body, doing of us prisoners of Christ. That freedom to walk by where we wanted and to do what we understood it is limited by being place in a cocoon. Within the cocoon it happens the transformation. The period for the transformation to be completed varies of person a person, depending this on the personal disposition and the search foe the Lord. Without a doubt, after some time we will be transformed to the image of Christ.
The conformation is something that happens in the spirit when we are, in in fellowship face to face with God.
In the book of Song of Songs is mentioned "chambers of that one who conceived me" (3:4).talking about to the spirit. In this verse we found one mention to the conception, to the gestation. A gestation when it is complete lasts two hundred eighty days or forty and two weeks. In the Bible number forty denotes in the first place, test and suffering. That is the negative aspect. That number has also a quite positive sense; it represents a period of deep communion with God. When Moses stays forty days in front of God, this time was neither of test nor suffering. Instead of that it was having a candy and intimate fellowship with God. We have another aspect, when the Lord resurrected was forty days with its disciples speaking of the Kingdom. Those days were not days of test but of sweet communion with Him.
After forty weeks, the boy in gestation this totally formed, ready to be born. In Galatians Paul is compared as one who is suffering pains of childbirth, for the Galatians, until Christ is formed in them.
All this indicates clearly that to be conformed is not something utterly, is inner. We need of forty weeks so that we are conformed to Christ, to be as He is.
To be glorified is to be like God. I John3:2. The last Roman verses in chapter 8 us shows us that nothing will be able to separate us of the love of God in Christ our Lord. That is the complete salvation, trough His life in us.




Monday, October 11, 2004 Print This Page.:


The book of Leviticus begins with the five basic offerings, goes on with the law of the offerings, and in Chapter eight speaks of the consecration of Aaron and his children. After being save, the life that we received motivate us, to consecrate ourselves to God, to live totally for His intention, serving Him. When serving, we must do it, according to "the law of live" of God and not according to our natural concept. We learn to serve the Lord in this way only and by: enjoying Christ, in the several offerings, as our portion. Thus we will be ready for the consecration in chapter 8.
The word consecration has two-way meaning. First, what already saw, to live as a living sacrifice totally for Him. The second is the one that is registered in Leviticus eight, that is, to received an incumbency from Him, a commission that we will execute. The Hebrew word for consecration in that sense is "to fill the hands", the empty hands of the priests need to be filled of Christ, or better, of the incumbency of Christ to serve God.
God has an intention, and to carry out the desire of his heart he needs the priesthood. For this reason, His intention was that all the nation of Israel was a kingdom of priests, in others words, each citizen of this kingdom was a priest. Exodus 19:4-6, God says: "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priest a holy Nation. These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites ". God desire was that all the Nation of Israel will be priests. In order, that they will serve and carry out His incumbency, for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose. For such task, God would enable them, because it was to them, whom, He took from the hands of the Egyptians and He took them on wings of eagles. They did not have nor they would have to do nothing, but to hear His voice and to keep His Pact; thus they will become His peculiar property, because all Earth is His. God is the one who provides everything that we needed to carry out its intention. He only requires of us a total dependency, allowing him to do his work trough us. If we stay in an attitude of total dependency, He will carry, trough us what He has command us to do. Nevertheless, the people did not understand it, and said to Mosses: "Everything what Jehovah is saying, we will do” (v.8). This attitude of independence, will made them later fall, worshiping the golden calf; thus the sacerdotal service fell on the tribe of Levi, specifically on the house of Aaron. Thanks God, in the New Testament, He recovers the priesthood among us. Peter says that we are kingdom, holy priesthood (1 P. 2:5,9). We are a body of holy priests and priests’ kings. And "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence come from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant- nor of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter Kills, but the Spirit gives life"(2 Co. 3:5-6). If we lived a life of consecration, allowing Him to do his work in us, the Lord will consecrate us, that is to say, He will give us a commission, He will putt us in, and to execute THE MINISTRY, the same thing that happened to Paul. "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, for He counted me faithful putting me into THE MINISTRY "(1 Timothy. 1:12). K. James.
Necessary Items.
The clothes.
" Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying , Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments and the anointing oil and the bull of the sin offering, and the two rams and the basket of unleavened bread."(Lv. 8:1-2). The first item was the clothes. According to Exodus 28:2, clothes are for honor and beauty, meaning that the priests are adorned with the divine characteristics and human excellence of Christ.
Those who serve God must have certain type of expression. When we see a man dressed in the police uniform, we know that he is a policeman. Its uniforme is its expression. The same principle can be applied, to the clothes used by a judge in the court. In the same way, the clothes of the priests mean the expression of Christ in those who serve him. The clothes also qualify them to serve. If they use any other clothes, would not have been qualified. We must ask to ourselves: Do I have the expression of Christ qualifying me to serve as a priest? Also these clothes sanctify us. We are separated, for His intention! How beautiful and glorious it is to be priest of God!.
The oil of the unction.
The described compound oil in Exodus 30:22-30, it was to anoint the tabernacle with its furniture, the altar with all his utensils, the fountain, with its base and the priests. This oil is a type of the triune God as the Spirit, reaching to His elected and regenerated people to be one with them. Such oil is for the sanctification of the priests. We, the priests of the New Testament, must always be full of the Spirit, being one with the Triune God, to serve in a suitable way.
The yearling calf the sin offering.
A priest, in order that he will not trust his flesh, he needs also to know himself, to be conscientious that in his flesh, the good does not dwell, and that even the very nature of the sin is in him (the Ro. 7:18-20). He needs Christ like as the sin offering. He enables us to serve. As priest, we do not have to trust in ourselves, our own force or capacity to serve, we must depend totally on God, in his mercy and grace.
Both sheep.
Once treated the problem of the sin, the one sheep was offered as holocaust and the other for the consecration. This shows the intimate existing relationship between the holocaust and the consecration. When receiving from God an incumbency, we must say to him that we are not able to carry out such commission, for that reason we offer ourselves as holocaust, so that He will puts us in His ministry.
The small basket of breads without leavening.
The small basket had three types of cakes; these were raised by the priest in front of the Lord, typifying the resurrection of Christ, because the number three is a type of Christ resurrection, our Lord was resurrected in the third day. This indicates that to assume our priesthood of the New Testament we must do it in the power of resurrection.
If after being saved, we consecrated ourselves, to the Lord, in an absolute way. If we know the way to serve God, having Christ as our supply and enjoyment, he will consecrate us as priests, putting us in His Ministry. Such Ministry is for the building up of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12.
Therefore in front of this great task we declared our insufficiency and thus once again, we consecrated our being to Him. Then the Lord will have a way to qualify us in order that we carry out His commission, then we will have the suitable clothes and all the necessary equipment to serve Him Alleluia!



Friday, October 08, 2004 Print This Page.:


Often in our experience when we reasonably consecrate ourselves to the Lord, we give to Him everything that we are and we have, our future, family, time and money, after while we realize, that we have taken from return everything that we offered to the Lord, then we become disappointed because we think that we are not people destined to live a consecrated life for God, thinking that this is only possible for few people spiritually privileged. This kind of thinking comes from Satan who wants us to stop, and hinders us to advance continuously, in this experience of consecration.
When reading the writings of mature men in the experience of consecration, among them,we can find the experience of Paul. Comparing his experiences with ours, we are taken to think that we will never have an experience like him. That is not truth. Each Christian experience is possible for all the Christians.
In the Old Testament. God institute continuous holocausts, day after day (Numbers 28:3-6). A lamb was offered in the morning and the other in the evening. This indicates that the consecration experience is something progressive slow and gradual, until it reaches a mature degree.
The mercy of God.
The simple fact that we find in the bible continuous holocaust, 24/7, shows the mercy of God. He gives innumerable opportunities to us in order that we can consecrate ourselves to Him. Imagine that it was only one opportunity to consecrate to God in this case if you are not approved the first time, you couldn’t make it anymore. Praise the Lord that it was not such case, but continuous holocaust!!. Saints every day is a new day, every morning means a new opportunity, to renew our consecration, .Lamentations 3:22-23 it says
" Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed , for his compassions never fail . They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" .
Every day is a new day. Although we have had many failures in the past, a new day is given by God always; a new day is new beginning. Let us suppose that in the morning you have had a good fellowship with the Lord and the day has been dedicated to live by Him, nevertheless, during the day many things happened causing you to forget your morning experience. This already has repeated too often during the day; and you feel discouraged. But thanks the Lord, There is holocaust in the evening. At night you can come again to the Lord and allow him to shine, showing your faults, you confess your sins, you renew your consecration once again, being able to sleep peacefully. On the following day you will be able to have another new beginning with the Lord. Successive experiences like this are those that take us to be absolute towards the Lord.

Confessing the sins.
In numbers 28 we can see that holocaust is offered almost always with the sin offering. This indicates that our consecration it has much to do with the fact of being illuminated and to deal with ours sins. David in Psalm 34:5 say those who look to him are radiant " in Psalm 32: 4-5 it says” For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of the summer. Then I acknowledge my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin ". And in Proverbs 28:13 "The one that conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confess and renounces them finds mercy". In order to have progress in the consecration, we must always be ready to be illuminated by the Lord, to confess our sins.
"If we confessed our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John1:9).
Putting in order
It is important to remember that the holocaust offered in Leviticus 1, after being slaughter, skinned and cut in pieces, were place piece by piece on the firewood. In our experience the Lord gains our being little by little, in order. Each "piece” talks about each area of our being, which takes time in being consumed. When looking towards our past we can see that there are areas that already have been conquered. But are many areas more that need to be conquered. At this moment the Lord is working in you, in some of your areas. You offer them, yet take it back again. It does not matter, if you continue offering holocausts continuous, one day the Lord will gain them all. For that reason you never must fall in the subtleties of devil and be discouraged. Do not stop! . "As the father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion in those who fear him , for He knows how we are formed , he remembers that we are dust" Psalms 103:13-14. That is the reason He institute holocaust continuous.
If we take advantage of this every day, taken every opportunity, confessing our faults, consecrating ourselves again to the Lord, He will have a way to win us totally, in order, piece by piece, although some areas of our life will delay years in being conquered. When all the pieces are consumed by the fire, we will be a handful of ashes on the eye of men but in front of God fragrant scent.
Knowing the will God.
Living a life on continuous consecration, of constant communion with God, we will intimately know the Lord and its Pact (Psalms 25:14); and we will prove the good will of God pleasant and perfect (Romanos12:2). We will be so united so the desire of His heart will be ours, His will, will be ours. Our life will not have another goal but to fulfill His Eternal Plan. This is the true consecration.



Thursday, October 07, 2004 Print This Page.:


The last chapter of Leviticus begins with vow "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If anyone makes a special vow to dedicate persons to the Lord by giving equivalent values"(Leviticus 27:2) the complete sentence can be translated “When somebody will make special vow, the people will be of Jehovah according to your consider ". The special vow, with respect to the people, corresponds to the vow of Nazirite, registered in Numbers 6.
When we are constrained by the love of Christ, we consecrated everything that we have: our house, car, and family etc. We even give to the Lord who we are, all our being. We have the desire to live for Him and serve Him, whatever the cost.
The Nazirite
Nevertheless, in the Old Testament the Lord designated that only those of the house of Aaron, of the tribe of Levi, could to be priests. The intention of God was to make of all the Nation of Israel a kingdom of priests. Because of its failure, it chose the tribe of Levi. Yet all those of the tribe of Levi were not chosen. Only those of the house of Aaron will be priests. In this way, the door was closed for those that wanted to serve. But thanks to the Lord, a lateral door was opened for the people whom loved and wanted to dedicate themselves to the Lord.
The nazirite was not restrict to a certain people, because anyone can be a nazirite, as much men like women. Especially today, this door is open for all, it does not exclude anybody. The women do not have to worry because only men were priests in the Old Testament, because by the door of nazirite, they also can serve the Lord. In truth, all the saints of the New Testament they are including in this principle of the nazirite, because not we are of the tribe of Levi, much less of the house of Aaron. What a mercy of our dear, Lord for offering us, such door, so that we can serve Him!
"The lord said to Moses: speak to the Israelites if a man or a woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the Lord as a Nazirite " (Numbers 6:1-2)The principle of Nazirite is the one of the voluntary consecration. It is not a matter of to be ordered or to be designated, but to separate yourself voluntarily. In the case of Samuel his mother consecrated him every day of his life (1Sml 1:11). He was not of the house of Aaron, because he belonged to the tribe of Ephraim, but he got to be a priest in the principle of nazirite, being consecrated and separated for the Lord.
Separated of the pleasure of the world.
The term "nazirite" means "separated". And this includes four items. First it is that the nazirite could not drink nothing that comes from the grape; from the fruit to any type of drinks done of grape (Nb6:3-4) the wine, or any thing out of the grape, in the negative sense, means the pleasure and the joy of the world. If we want to have a genuine priesthood to serve the Lord, we need to be separated of the worldly pleasures. It is not easy to be separated of the delights of the world, because of the atmosphere around us. Many Christians have suffered the damage of the "wine" of the pleasures and the delights of the world where we live on.
Separated of the personal Glory.
The second item of the consecration of the nazirite is that his hair did not have to be cut (Numbers 6:5). In 1 of Corinth 11:14 say that the long hair is dishonor for the man. To use the long hair is a glory for the woman, but it is not for the man. A nazirite is the one that denies his own glory and is ready to pass shame because of his love for the Lord. Hebrew 13:13 Let us, then, go to Him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. To serve the Lord is not to be in house alone or to enjoy meetings of the church, but to go outside where the afflicted and exhausted people are, we passed all type of shame, these people are like sheep that do not have Shepherd (Mt9:36). To be a nazirite means not to look for your own Glory, all Glory is the Lord’s.
Separated of the natural effects.
A nazirite also had to be separated of the contamination of the death, mainly from its nearer relatives; near relatives are but a type our natural affection. When consecrate ourselves in order to serve the Lord we do not allow that our affection by the people near to us, take the first place in our life, the first place is the Lord’s , in this matter we cannot have mixed feelings, in everything Christ must have the Preeminence, then nothing or nobody can affect our consecration. No near relación should occupy the first place; otherwise our service to the Lord can be contaminated.
Separated of the spiritual death.
The fourth and more important item is to be separated of the spiritual death. "if some dies suddenly in his presence; thus defiling the hair he has dedicated… “Numbers (6:9) applying this word to us, today, we can say that this death is not physical but spiritual. Somebody around us can be dead spiritually, we must not touch death. And this death how can we recognized it? This death comes in form of critics, lies, gossips, gadgets, negative words. When we listen to them, suddenly we become critical, distrustful, without love towards the brothers, we lose the genuine enjoyment of Christ and scorn those truly enjoy Christ, we lose genuine interest for spiritual things, we left the simplicity of God and we became complicated, and the result is death. This death is even more terrible than the sin. If we commit sin we can repent and the Lord will forgive us in the moment that we confess, but the death has lasting effect, we cannot get rid of that easily, we needed a period of time to be purified. Satan he is the source of the death, always transmitting death, pointing towards others. Whenever we felt badly scent of the death we must flee.
So in being consecrated to God, we must be nazirites, separated of the pleasures of the world, the personal glory, of the natural affection and of the spiritual death.
The estimation of a Nazirite
In Leviticus 27:3-8 it speaks of the estimation of man and of the woman in its diverse ages. This indicates that to be nazirites we must put attention to the growth in life. We do not have to be infants , nor to be spiritually aged. We must be separated of the pleasures of the world, of the personal glory, the natural affection and the spiritual death, and on the positive side, we must look for the spiritual growth. Thus we will be considered in "50 shekels of silver" (v3), people of a real value to the Lord, and our service will be useful. This is the voluntary consecration of a nazirite.



Wednesday, October 06, 2004 Print This Page.:


As we saw previously, the first chapter of Leviticus begins with a vow. To have a consecrated life is necessary that we make true vows before the Lord; otherwise, our spiritual life won’t grow and our consecration will not progress.
We can use the illustration of a retired person, at the end of its professional career. Such person does not have more expectations or goals in his life. Jus stays in the house having nothing to do. For him, life does not have meaning. Analogy, a life without vows is a retired one, with no expectation of progress, or spiritual growth. We can be secularly rejoiced but never spiritually accommodated. Individually, we can make vows to the Lord: to read the Bible, to love the Lord more, to look for more spiritual growth, to bring more souls to him and to live for him. In the corporative aspect we can make vows of being built, more with the saints, to be more involved in the Church’s meetings and allow to be organically perfected for the building up of the body of Christ.
Leviticus 27:9 speaks to offer an animal to the Lord, verse 14 speaks about to dedicate a house to the Lord and 16 to dedicate the land to Jehovah.. Everything what we consecrate to the Lord becomes holy. For example if we offer our family to him, this will be holy to the Lord. When you consecrate your life to the Lord in experience you become holy, for him. When we heard of the consecration for the first time, our heart rises, and we want to give everything to the Lord; but a little later we become discouraged, because we take back what we have consecrated to the Lord, in the past, we had the same experience of consecration, and soon after we took again what we have consecrated. Sometimes we dedicated our life to live only for him, nevertheless just a short time later we are living for ourselves. Therefore, we think that this experience is only for supermen, the great ones, spiritual men. This is not truth. The Psalm 103 says to us that the Lord is merciful and full of compassion "As compassionate as a father is toward his children, So compassionate is Jehovah toward those who fear him” (versus 13-14). Certainly, in the registries of New Testament, Paul is an excellent example of a consecrated person. Nevertheless the same structure of Paul is in each one of us: dust.
Consecration and rescues.
God, in his great mercy, has provided us with a way so that we can grow in our experience of consecration. No matter if is the animal, the house or the land, whatever that we consecrated can be rescued. This is what happens to us. What offer to the Lord frequently we took from return. But it does not matter, God knows us and He is not discouraged, by it and we cannot either stop. Whenever we rescued what we offer, we will pay to the estimation but a fifth part, that is to say, whenever we consecrated something and we rescued it, something remains with the Lord. No genuine consecration is done away or, is lost. For that reason, do not be deceived by enemy of God, because he wishes, that you are discouraged with yourself and he doesn’t want you to have more consecrated experiences. It does not matter how many times you have failed, even now you can have a new beginning. Thanks to the Lord!
Vers. 20 says that if that the one who dedicate the land does not want to rescue it, never will be able to do it, is to say is of the Lord. Halleluiah! Our experience of consecration can be an experience "to give and take it back", but in each consecration the Lord gains something in us. This will be repeated until the day in which we do not rescue any more what we have offered -- the Lord will conquer entirely.
Irredeemable Consecration.
Vers 28-29 say: "Nevertheless nothing that a man owns and devotes to the Lord –whether man or animal or family land—maybe sold or redeemed; everything so devoted is most holy to the Lord . No person devoted to destruction may be rescued he must be put to death".
"The irredeemable" word means” it can not be redeem or rescue ". And in Hebrew is something like "destined to destruction, eliminated". Therefore the irredeemable consecration is without return, cannot be rescued. This it is the climax of the consecration!
In chapter 1 of Leviticus we see the offering of holocaust a calf that was on the field was brought to the altar. In the field, was serving the world. But there was a shift of position, now it is not in world but in front of the altar, totally separated for God.
This is the positional sanctification. A change of use took place. Before he was so useful to the world, with a brilliant future, but now is good only to be burned in the altar in order that will produce pleasing scent to the Lord. For that, it was necessary that it was slaughter, skinned and cut in pieces accommodating the pieces on the fire of the altar. After being safe we have a strong experience of consecration, when we give everything, what we are and we have, for the Lord. The experience of”giving and rescue ", begins, that is to say, we give something to the Lord and later we take it back.
Remember that you have already been divided in pieces and place it in the altar to be burn. The fire of the altar is slow. It goes consuming in order piece by piece. It begins with certain areas of your life, those that you consecrate the Lord, but immediately take them back. Yet do not be discouraged. Continue consecrating them, although you will rescue them again. To each consecration the Lord gains a little, until a day when He conquers totally. Then the Lord goes to other areas of our life. In this way”of piece, after piece", He conquer us until we are consumed, like an irredeemable offering. Then we will be single a handful of ashes to eyes of the men, yet a scent that totally satisfies God. Only then we will be one with God, in the mind, will and emotion.
The Lord Jesus says: I do not look for my own interests but not those of the Father. We also through the consecration can live such life that is one with the Eternal Purpose of God.
May the Lord have mercy of us, so that we persevere in consecrating to God every day, until he obtains each part of our being, in order that we become useful doing his will will. In the preaching of the gospel, or in the building up of the saints, we are vessels consecrated and useful for our Possessor. This it is the climax of our consecration.



Tuesday, October 05, 2004 Print This Page.:


It is peculiar that the book of Leviticus finishes with some verses on tithe (27:30-34). Apparently, this subject it would not have to be in such wonderful end, irredeemable consecration. The truth, the best way to prove our consecration, is the matter of tithe, this must be a normal experience in our christian life

The Climax of the consecration
Since we have already said before, the height of the consecration it is the irredeemable offering. The animal put on the altar of holocaust was totally consumed by the fire, which was reduce to a single handful of ashes. This picture describes the experience of the Apostle Pablo well. according to his own words to the Corinths "Because according to I think, God has exhibited to us the apostles like as last of all, as sentenced until death; then we have gotten to be a spectacle at the world, the angels and them " (1 Co. 4:9). According to their description, the apostles are as if they were"sentenced until death "; they are rejected.
Poul continue saying: "We are foolish by love to Christ, but you prudent in Christ honorable ,but we despised . Until this hour we suffer hunger, we are thirsty, we are naked, we are slapped, and we do not have a place to dwell. We got tired working with our own hands; they curse to us, and we blessed; we suffer persecution, and we endure. They defame to us, and we requested; we have come to be until now like dreg of the world, the remainder of all " (versus 10-13). Such men they constitute the model of a total and irredeemable consecration, being able to be used by God without reserves.
Participation in the work
Now you will be able to argue that your situation is different from the one from Paul. He dedicated all of his time to the work of the Lord , due to his circumstances he must dedicate himself to His use. Nevertheless, you also can consecrate everything to the Lord, you can live a consecrated life life. All your being, your time, everything that you have, is for the Lord. This is a irredeemable consecration. You no longer live for yourselves , but for the one who live and die for you (2 Co. 5:14-15). This works for you, because you also can to have part in the work of the Lord with the money that you earn.
The brothers of the Church in Philippi, they participated in the work of the Lord. Since it was not possible to participate to them directly in the work trusted by God to Paul, neither they had conditions, nor it was necessary that all they accompanied Paul in his trips, they participated in this great burden through their finances.
"But I rejoice in the Lord greatly because now at length you have caused your thinking for me to blossom anew; for which matter you have indeed taken thought, but lacked opportunity" Paul said to the Philippians Phip 4:10 . The continuous one "though , you did well in, to participate with me in my tribulation. And you also know philippians, that in the beginning of the preaching of the gospel, when I left to Macedonia, no Church participate with me in regard to giving and receiving, but you only; then to Thessalonica even you sent time and time again to me for my needs. It is not that I looks for a gift, but that I look for fruit that abounds in your account"(versus 14-17)
The offering of Material Wealth
In 2 Corinth Chapter 8, Paul gives testimony of the churches of the province of Macedonian in relation to the offerings of material wealth. The concept of the men in general is that to give it is to lose something, nevertheless the concept of God is that to give it is to receive. They fill the Apostle, with many requests, to have the privilege to give something. They did not lost their possession but they obtained the grace of God. And not only they did that "but they gave themselves first to the Lord, and to us trough the will of God "(v5). This shows to us that the material offerings are the result of a consecration to the Lord..
Truth is God doesn’t need of our money, because, "mine it is the silver and mine is the gold says Jehovah God of the armies" (Hag 2:8) the sacrifices and holocausts of the Old testament talk about to same: "Because mine it is all beast of the forest, and the thousands of animals in the cols. I know all the birds of mounts, and everything that moves in the fields belong to me. If I were hungry I wont ask you , because mine is the world and its fullness".
Haleluya!! what the Lord wants is our heart "Because where is your treasure will be your heart "(Mt 6:21).
The principle of sowing
All old farmers know the infallible principle, more sowing means more harvests. This principle was used by Paul: "the one that sowed barely harvested barely; and the one that sowed abundantly, abundantly harvested"(2Co9;6) God said" He whom bountifully supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed, and increased the fruits of your justice "(V10)
The material money or goods that we obtain are divide in two categories: seed and bread. A part is for our sustenance, our subsistence that is the bread. The rest is seeds to seed. God he is wonderful!!! He knows our need and He gives bread to us so that we live for Him. Let us know to distinguish between the seed and the bread, so that we wont consume it. When but we give the Lord he will give seeds to us. "Prove me said the Lord ,if you will , by this says Jehovah of Hosts whether I will open to you the windows of heaven and pour out blessing for you, until there is not room for you"(Ml 3;10)
Now we know because after speaking on the irredeemable consecration, the book of Leviticus finishes with the subject of Tithe. The this complete and perfect way to end the subject of consecration. God obtains not only our being, but as result in experience, He also obtain what we have. Thus we have the privilege to participate in the work of the Lord with what we are and what we have, to expand the gospel and to build his body.



Monday, October 04, 2004 Print This Page.:

Very soon

The "Unsearchable riches of Christ" by "D.Y.L."
A brother set apart by the Holy Spirit, sent to the work(Acts 13:1-4) and trough whom thousands of churches(Acts. 15:41) are being rise up in South America .You don't want to miss it.
Recommended page, for children "Bob the Glove"
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God bless.